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Letting your kitten outside for the first time

  • 2, Oct 2023
  • Read time: 7 mins
Letting your kitten outside for the first time is an exciting experience. This guide gives hints and tips to help your kitten explore the outdoor world safely.
Ginger kitten lying down outside

When can I let my kitten outside?

Kittens can usually begin exploring the great outdoors from the age of four months. However old they are, they should have had the correct vaccinations and been microchipped first.

Our in-house vet, Luke, says: "It is important to allow this time for immune development so they are protected against diseases easily transmitted by others cats, such as Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV).”

Letting an older cat outside

If you’re welcoming an older cat into your home, give them time to settle into their new surroundings. You can begin to let them outside after around two to three weeks.

Preparing your kitten to go outside

There are some things you should think about before your kitten makes those first steps outside.

Here are some key things to do:

  • Vaccinations. This is important whether your cat is an indoor or outdoor cat.
  • Microchipping. It's vital to make sure they are properly microchipped so they can be located if they go missing.
  • Neutering or spaying. This has numerous health benefits for your cat.
  • Pet insurance. This can give you peace of mind that your cat will be covered if they get ill or are in an accident.

Get your outdoor space ready for your cat

It's important to make sure your outdoor space is just as ready for your cat as they are to explore! Preparing the space properly can help to keep your kitten safe. It can also reduce the risk of them falling ill or getting hurt.

  • Check that your plants are cat-friendly and non-toxic
  • Cover ponds to minimise the risk of your kitten falling in
  • Safety-proof the space. This means checking for any gaps or holes in fences or buildings
  • Cat-proof any outbuildings, such as sheds or garages. This means checking there isn't anything dangerous within reach
  • Consider installing a cat flap
  • Make sure the space is secure, especially if you are near to a road

How do I introduce my kitten to the outside?

  • Pick a quiet day when it is less likely there will be loud, irregular noises
  • Go outside with them and leave a door open
  • Take cat treats or their favourite toy with you to make the experience a positive one
  • Let them explore at their own pace and stay calm
  • Start small, with a shorter period to start with that you can extend over time

    How to train my kitten to use a cat flap

    A cat flap is an ideal way to let your kitten come in and out of your home as they please.

    Securing the cat flap open and letting them hop in and out will encourage them to use it. If your kitten struggles, use these ideas to build their confidence:

    • Sit by the cat flap and hold it open while encouraging your kitten in or out
    • Use rewards, such as a treat or a toy to lure them through the cat flap
    • Build up a positive association with lots of praise

    Protecting your kitten or cat

    Insuring your kitten can provide peace of mind if the unexpected happens. This applies when they're indoors and out and about.

    MORE THAN offers three levels of cat insurance to suit your different needs.

    Take a look at our cat and kitten insurance and get a quote today

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