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Tips on feeding your kitten

  • 19, Oct 2022
  • Read time: 8 mins

Making sure your kitten gets the right nutrition is important for their health and development.

We’re here to help. Our guide will share the best approach to kitten food, what type of nutrition they need and answer key kitten feeding questions.

Kitten with a bowl of food

What food should I feed my kitten?

Before you first bring your kitten to your new home, ask the breeder or re-homing shelter what food they use. Changing their food too quickly can lead to stomach issues.

Kittens are naturally active and energetic, so it’s important they get the right nutrients from their food to support their growth and immune system. Food that’s made especially for kittens is highly recommended. Whether it’s wet or dry is personal preference.

Dry or wet kitten food?

Giving your kitten a nutritional and balanced diet can help them grow up healthy and happy. Both dry and wet foods have a number of benefits:

Benefits of dry food

  • Dry food can be cheaper and has a longer ‘shelf-life’ once opened compared with wet food
  • It is easy to measure out to make sure your kitten is getting the right amount each day
  • You can leave it in their bowl if your kitten eats slowly as it will not spoil over a day
  • Dry food doesn’t stick to their teeth as wet food does
  • Many dry foods can have a little water added on top to aid hydration

Benefits of wet food

  • Wet food can be a good source for extra hydration as it contains more water than dry food
  • Wet food tends to have a stronger smell, which can make it more appealing if your kitten is unwell
  • Wet food can come in single-serve pouches that are easy to serve the right amount

It’s usually best to take wet food out the fridge about an hour before serving so it’s more digestible and tastes better.

What nutrients does my kitten need?

Kittens need food that have the right nutrients to support healthy growth. Some of these important nutrients are:

  • Protein and fat: kittens need more protein and fat than adult cats to help their growth
  • Vitamins and minerals: vitamins, such as Vitamin E and selenium, are antioxidants that support your kitten’s immune system
  • Omega fatty acid DHA: this’ll support brain and vision development
  • Calcium: much like children, kittens need calcium for the development of their bones
  • Amino acids: these support muscle and cell growth, and healthy skin, hair, and claws

How much should I feed my kitten?

Try to follow the instructions on the packaging for both wet and dry foods. You should also pay attention to the dietary changes you make as your cat grows. For example, Kittens should typically be fed around 3 times a day at first, but this likely changes once they become adults.

Your kitten may sleep a lot when they’re first born but might eventually spend more time playing and exploring. This means they’re more likely to work up an appetite. Make sure your household knows how much to feed your kitten and when – maybe even use some scales to help monitor their weight.

How often should I feed my kitten?

Your kitten may seem like they have a huge appetite, but it’s important you feed them the right amount. Don't give in to those begging purrs. By following these tips, you can rest assured that you’re not over or underfeeding them:

  • After weaning, which usually starts at about 3 to 4 weeks old, try to feed them at least 4 small meals a day for the first couple of months
  • As they get older, try to feed them small frequent meals throughout the day. However, if this isn't possible, then the daily food required should be split into at least 3 meals a day

How to feed my kitten?

It’s best to get into a mealtime routine with your kitten. They’re creatures of habit and will appreciate your consistency.

  • Feed them in the same place and at the same time each day
  • Keep the water and food bowl separate and away from litter trays
  • Wipe the feeding area clean after each meal
  • Find a surface that can be easily cleaned, like kitchen tiles, or use a feeding mat
  • Use stainless steel or ceramic bowls for an easier time cleaning them

When can my kitten eat adult cat food?

We recommend your kitten eats kitten food until they’re between 6-12 months old. At this age, they’re still growing and need the extra support of kitten food for healthy growth.

Before you transition onto adult food, contact your vet and ask for their advice on how to do this. Gradually is the preferred approach when you want to change your kitten’s food to avoid an upset stomach.

How much water should a kitten drink?

As a guide, kittens up to 3 months old should drink around 70ml of water a day. For 6-month-old kittens, this jumps to 135ml. Try to bear in mind that dry food isn’t as hydrating as wet food. Here are some practical tips to keep your kitten hydrated:

  • Place their water bowl in an easily accessible place that is away from their litter tray
  • When buying a bowl, consider the material and size. Make sure it’s low enough for your kitten to reach and big enough that their whiskers don’t touch the sides
  • Don’t give your kitten milk as a substitute for water. They’re often intolerant to the sugars found in cows’ milk and even in specially made kitten milk
  • Your kitten might drink more in a heatwave, so it’s important to keep them cool in hotter weather

Your kitten's diet and health

To stay healthy, your kitten should be eating and drinking regularly. Any changes could signify an underlying health problem. You should contact your vet if they:

  • Suddenly lose their appetite
  • Gain a ravenous appetite out of nowhere
  • Start eating differently, like only using one side of their mouth to eat or you can hear a grinding noise
  • Lose weight without intending to
  • Are frequently being sick or develop diarrhoea

Protecting your kitten

If you’re thinking about getting your kitten insured, MORE THAN offers cover for pets from 8 weeks old and our cat and kitten insurance comes with vetfone as standard. So, if you have any questions or concerns about your pet, you can get 24/7 access to veterinary advice from qualified vet nurses via phone or video call.

Take a look at our cat and kitten insurance and get a quote today

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